5 Up and Coming Careers

Blog » 5 Up and Coming Careers

We live in a day and age where careers are changing rapidly. Two of the many reasons this is true are technological advancements and the impact of COVID-19. We’ve compiled a list of 5 up-and-coming careers from various interviews with current professionals in these fields.

1. Digital Marketing

Role Description – Digital marketers are responsible for creating and enforcing plans that help their company’s overall brand. Some of the day-to-day tasks in this role include managing content on various platforms such as the company’s website, social media, and searchable content on Google Ads. Other means that digital marketers use to share the company’s brand are through newsletters, print ads, or other various email campaigns.

Top Skills – Are you good at talking to people, building relationships, and creating content? Maybe this role is for you! Other skills you should develop include SEO (search engine optimization), designing, and data analysis.

Annual Income – An average income for Digital Marketers is Rs. 6,48,000  

2. Artificial Intelligence

Role Description – People who work in Artificial Intelligence (AI for short) have a complex job. AI and IT (information technology) go hand in hand. Their main goal is to create “intelligent algorithms capable of learning, analysing and predicting future events” (source). In a nutshell, they work tirelessly to create machines that can reason like humans. 

Top Skills – Perhaps you’re a mathematical wiz! Do you love technology and science? Maybe this role is for you! Other skills you should develop include coding, programming languages, analytical thinking and reasoning, and problem-solving.

Annual Income – Level of knowledge dictates income. For example, most entry-level AI professionals earn around Rs. 6,00,000 however, mid to senior-level can earn Rs. 50,00,000. If you’re based outside India, these salaries are subject to change.

3. Bioengineering 

Role Description – Working professionals in the bioengineering/biomedical field have various responsibilities. Their main responsibility is supporting biomedical equipment such as CAT scanners, MRI machines, ventilators, or blood chemistry analysers. This role has emerged greatly because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Top Skills – Are your favourite subjects in school science and maths? Both skills are required for this role. You should develop skills like creating equipment, computer systems, and software.

Annual Income – The average income of a Bioengineer is roughly Rs. 12,40,027. This number fluctuates based on the level of competency.

4. Software Engineering

Role Description – Engineers in this field both analyse and develop software. These tasks include modifying existing software and designing, creating, and testing new software that meets various needs of their users.

Top Skills – Similar to Artificial Intelligence, if you’re interested in technology, software engineering could be a good fit for you! Maths and science are important skills for this role. Other important skills include coding, problem-solving, and software debugging. 

Annual Income – The average income in India per year is about Rs 6,05,000.  

5. Data Analytics

Role Description – Data analysts take various numbers and figures from a company’s sales or logistics team and present them to the company. These figures help companies make better decisions for overall growth. Market research and seeking out competitors help analysts create more holistic information for a company’s strategy.  

Top Skills – Do you enjoy giving presentations, researching, and maths? This would be a great occupation for you. There are various programs implemented to measure these numbers and figures. You’ll need to learn how to use these programs to be a successful analyst. 

Annual Income – Like every other role, income fluctuates based on experience. An average salary range is from Rs. 5,00,000 to Rs. 6,10,000. However, senior analysts can make up to Rs. 17,00,000 (source). 

Have you decided which job is best for you? Is it from this list? Maybe you’re still thinking about your future career. In any case, let ConnectEd be your learning companion. Our team of teachers would love to help advise you on your future based on your skills and passions. Enjoy a free class today! 

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