ConnectEd Parents Give Us an A+ | Progress Tracking

Blog » ConnectEd Parents Give Us an A+ | Progress Tracking

Parents and Our Progress Tracking

What is even more exciting than our students giving us an A+? It’s when the parents give us an A+ too!

During the online interactive progress tracking sessions with parents, ConnectEd’s academic team takes the parent via an in-depth in-house analysis done on the student. The progress reports illustrate progress graphs per subject as part of the quantitative analysis. Still, most notably, one teacher who is also present during these sessions provides qualitative feedback on the students. Combining both sets of data points is critical to our parents’ understanding of their child’s progress. We highly encourage our parents to walk alongside their children during these formative years of education; a method educators call scaffolding. Our blog topic scaffolding covers eight tips families can use to support and guide using scaffolding. While there are several benefits of online learning, we believe it’s important to solidify these benefits through frequent parent-teacher progress tracking interactions and discussions. It’s a forum where we also get to hear feedback on how we can improve and where we’re doing well too!

We look forward to these sessions and growing together with each student. Join ConnectEd today, and get the best progress tracking. The pressure students face preparing for CBSE exams can be daunting. With proper e-learning resources, students throughout India can get ahead with ConnectEd’s tuition services. Our expert tutors help students and parents feel assured and prepared. Our preparation courses will give students the confidence they need to pass their exams! Sign-up for a free session today!

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